Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Spring Fever

So I know it is not Spring season just yet, but I for one get very excited around this time of year. The weather is not what excites me that much, it is the plant life. For the last few years, probably ever since I graduated high school, I have been a gardener novice. Every Spring season, right around this time, I like to go to the local Star Nursery and pick out a bunch of plants to plant. A lot of them do not make it through the whole year, but it gives me experience with the ones that do. The plants that do not, I make sure not to buy them again, till I know how to make them last. The plants that do make it, I like to plot out an area in the garden to plant some more. Last year, I planted some French Lavender and I was so happy that it lasted all year long and is coming back so very strong this year. I definitely plan on planting more and maybe making a row of them around the garden. Plus as a little bonus, the bees love these plants. I know some people cannot stand having bees around, but they are essential to plant life. Also I feel like I am helping their population even though I do not truly know if I am. I have never been stung by a bee, but I feel like if I just leave them to their work, they will never bother me. The only insects that do bother me are the wasps that like to join the party every once in a while. Those are pesky little creatures! Anyway, if you have never tried to garden, even just the slightest, I highly recommend it! It makes you feel good and you have something to care for, so some responsibility is gained as well.


  1. I occasionally have the itch of a green thumb. I prefer to plant plants that I can eat! I can grow a variety of lettuce fairly easy (oak leaf, green leaf, red leaf, butterhead and romaine lettuce). However, they are never as crispy or crunchy as the ones you can purchase in the store. I have grown some mint, chive, green onions and cilantro. JalapeƱo plants are pretty simple too. I've failed multiple times at growing to tomatoes. I think I might start again. My backyard has gone to waste.

    1. The only plant I remember planting and eating are strawberries. They were delicious. Jalapeno plants are very cool and one of my favorites topping to add to my food. I may consider growing some soon.

  2. I love growing flowers, too! Unfortunately, I have a hard time keeping plants alive here. I think it is because of the lack of humidity. When I lived in Seattle, I had houseplants galore and a patio full of flowers every spring. No such luck here. I mostly do container gardening and I have had good luck with pansies and stock. The bonus with stock is that they smell very good! This year I am going to try a few more varieties in the containers and see how well they do. I also want to plant rosemary in my yard. Maybe some lavender, too!
    I'm not sure if you know, but some flowers aren't meant to come back year after year. Annuals generally don't come back. Perennials are the ones that come back every year. Or are supposed to, anyways :).
    Good luck with your garden this year!

    1. Thanks for the info about annuals and perennials. I honestly forget about those when buying more plants. I personally do container gardening as well. Helps keep the moisture in the soil nice and wet. Here in Las Vegas we don't have to worry about the soil getting to wet. My rosemary comes back very strong year after year. That plant is well over 3 years old. The French lavender I have surprisingly is very strong and I hope it stays that way. Happy gardening!

  3. It's really interesting that some plants will thrive here while other don't. My coworkers are able to grow full fruit trees (lemons, limes, oranges, pomegranates) and those don't seem like they would thrive here! Thank you for being kind to bees :)

    1. I love trees because they actually stand the test of time season after season. If you look into drought resistant trees, you'll find a lot of trees can survive here. Even ones that are not can survive with the right care. I have a male and female pistachio tree. They like long summer days and survive in places that have low humidity. Plus the ability to grow in poor soil which there is a lot here in Las Vegas. I know a pistachio farmer here in Nevada, he comes into my job a lot and tips me in pistachios. They are delicious!
